Kishoge Parents Council
On this page you can find information about the activities of the Parents Council, including minutes of all meetings held and useful information on upcoming events and how to contact us.
Parents Council Notices
Next Meetings:
Thursday 3rd April @18:30
Parents’ Council Committee 2024/2025
Chairperson - Deirdre O’ Brien
Vice Chairperson - Sinead Harrington
Secretary - Sara McAneney
Vice Secretary - Linda Geraghty
Treasurer - Helen Ward -(Board of Management)
Vice Treasurer - Maria Hynes
Brendan Geraghty (Board of Management)
Madeline Timis
Shaista Zeb
Ayesha Hassan
Debbie Murphy
Naumana Kousar
Patricia Walton
Contact the Parents Council
Parents can contact the Parents Council by email at
Parents can also follow the Council on social media via Twitter and Facebook, see the links below: